Pupil Premium Report
In order to identify projects that demonstrate the greatest impact on learning, the school reviews the effects of the previous year's interventions and applies the findings of this review to plan use of future funding. Impact is measured using our data programme, and review of attendance and behaviour from our school management programme.
Our Approach
Money has been ring-fenced and used to benefit all pupil premium pupils.
We have established clear lines of responsibility with a member of the senior leadership team and a link governor taking responsibility for Pupil Premium.
At Monken Hadley our proportion of pupil premium children has grown over recent years and as a result, we have planned our spending carefully to ensure that it has been spent to maximum effect.
This has meant making informed decisions about our spending such as:
- Ensuring that spending is directly linked to gaps in attainment;
- Making use of our own data to expand existing interventions;
- Making sure there is at least good teaching in a day to day basis;
- Making use of research when evaluating interventions and considering the implementation of new interventions.
All staff are aware of areas for development in the school in terms of subjects, year groups and they know which children are focus children.
Money is used to benefit all pupil premium children and supports higher as well as lower ability children by extending provision on offer. The school and governors review the impact of the pupil premium spend against the end of year data and intervention analysis in November. The predicted spend is then adjusted to reflect these findings (see above).