Monken Hadley CE Primary School


Monken Hadley Primary School aims to be responsive to all aspects of diversity and to increase the learning and participation of all pupils within the school and its locality. We are developing inclusive values which are shared between all staff, pupils, governors, parents/carers and the wider community, in a secure, accepting, collaborative and stimulating environment. Everyone is valued and diversity is seen as a rich resource to enhance and support the learning of all.


This inclusive culture is reflected in all school policies and practices. We ensure that classroom and extra-curricular activities encourage the participation of all pupils, drawing on their knowledge and experience outside school. Teaching and support are integrated together, enabling all pupils to overcome barriers to learning and participate fully in school life.


Inclusion will be achieved through analysis and assessment of children’s needs, by monitoring the quality of teaching and the standards of pupils’ achievements and by setting targets for improvement. Learning for all children is given equal priority and available resources are used to maximum effect.


All children, including those who have been identified as more able/gifted and talented will be given opportunities within lessons and through extra-curricular activities to use and develop their gifts and talents.